Doug Bernauer

Doug Bernauer

CEO & Co-Founder, Radiant

Doug Bernauer is the CEO and Co-Founder of Radiant, a "test first" nuclear technology company. He brings over a decade of experience from SpaceX, where he led Avionics for Grasshopper, their first rocket with landing legs. While working on power systems for Mars, Doug realized that nuclear technology would be required for life to become multi-planetary. However, he quickly understood the need to provide clean energy for humans on earth needed urgent action. Thus, the team began to develop Kaleidos--a portable high temperature gas reactor, to replace diesel generators for microgrids, reliable backup power, and clean charging power for electric vehicles.
When he is not challenging nuclear reactor design or forging a hands-on engineering culture, Doug enjoys spending time with his wife and 4 kids, engaging in debates about history, economics, or music, and is a self proclaimed rule-master at game nights.