Bill Gross founded Idealab, the world’s longest running technology incubator, and he knows a few things about why startups succeed or fail (see his TED talk on this topic here). Over the past 30 years, he has started more than 150 companies, leading to more than 50 IPOs and acquisitions, including 7 billion-plus exits. Gross
Category: Uncategorized
Big VC climate rounds: How do the check-writers think about later stages?
Founders in the rapidly evolving climate tech ecosystem want to know: How much capital and time do planetary-scale climate startups need? What is the right balance between equity investment and project finance? How do corporations, governments, and disrupted incumbents come into play? In this session at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit (Oct. 20-21), three leading
What Amazon’s $2 billion Climate Pledge Fund means for founders
Amazon has committed to converting its vast operations to net-zero carbon by 2040, and one path leading to that goal is its $2 billion Climate Pledge Fund, which aims to invest in startups that will help Amazon close the carbon gap. Matt Peterson leads that fund, and we are delighted that he will be speaking
Stanley Chan (Chen Qiufan), author of The Waste Tide: Looking back on the future
The science-fiction sub-genre “cli-fi” (climate fiction) goes back at least to Jules Verne’s Purchase of the North Pole (1889), but one of its modern masters is author Stanley Chan (Chen Qiufan), author of The Waste Tide, who will join the SOSV Climate Tech Summit (Oct 20-21) for a discussion with Jason Pontin, DCVC partner and
Bill Gates and Breakthrough Energy: Accelerating viability at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit
Bill Gates is the ultimate startup founder, and he’s committed to heading off a climate catastrophe. We are delighted to announce that Bill Gates is a featured speaker at the first SOSV Climate Tech Summit (Oct 20-21). Register today for this free, virtual event. Check out the full agenda. It came as no surprise in
How your climate tech startup can receive millions from the NSF, ARPA-E, or the European Innovation Council’s “Green Deal”

By now you’ve heard the SOSV Climate Tech Summit qualifies as a must-attend event, so save the dates (Oct 20-21) and register for free. The Biden administration and the EU have committed billions over the coming years to support innovation in climate technologies. This discussion will help founders of aspiring and existing startups understand the
Join ARPA-E, The European Innovation Council Executive Agency, Elemental Excelerator, Katapult VC, and the NSF at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit

Don’t forget to register for the SOSV Climate Tech Summit—no excuses, registration is free (Oct. 20-21). We’re particularly excited about the 18 Breakout Sessions hosted by climate tech heavy hitters who invest in early stage accelerators and programs. The Sessions are live, attendees can ask questions, and presenters are decision-makers at these programs. These Breakouts
Go deep with Khosla Ventures, Prime Movers Lab, Techstars Energy, Energy Impact Partners, HAX, and Greentown Labs at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit

Registration is free for the SOSV Climate Tech Summit (Oct. 20-21) and the speaker lineup is impressive—including the 18 Breakout Sessions produced by top pre-seed and seed VCs and programs that focus on climate tech. The Sessions are live, attendees can ask questions, and presenters are top folks at each of the programs. These Breakouts
Beyond “beyond”—next-generation alternative proteins can help reach “peak meat”

Save the dates (October 20-21), the SOSV Climate Tech Summit will be here before you know it. Register for free. Seventy percent of Americans have tried alternative protein products, but the sector’s actual market share is still just around 3%. This suggests consumers are very open to foodtech, but durably making a dent in climate
Go full Q&A with The Engine, DCVC, Urban Us, IndieBio, Third Derivative, and MassChallenge at the SOSV Climate Tech Summit

The SOSV Climate Tech Summit is coming up fast (Oct. 20-21 Register now – It’s free) and a big part of the agenda are the 18 Breakout Sessions produced by top pre-seed and seed VCs and programs that have a focus on climate tech. These Sessions are live and attendees can ask questions. The Breakouts are